Thursday, October 18, 2012

Education Apps.....Edmodo

           Using my Ipad I found a great application called Edmodo.  It is a system somewhat similar to Angel or Blackboard where students and teachers can connect.  The benefit of Edmodo verse some of the other social learning platforms such as Angel, is that it is much more interactive and user friendly.  It is a great tool for teachers to really be able to connect to their students even when they aren’t in their classroom.
            As a teacher the thing that really stands out about Edmodo is that it is a somewhat similar layout as Facebook.  The great thing about this is that most students are familiar with Facebook and so they will already have some concept of how Edmodo works.  The other great thing about this is it allows you as a teacher to have interactive conversations through posts with the entire classroom.  Using student’s prior knowledge of Facebook they will easily be able to use Edmodo’s many similar features such as the tag option, notifications, and posts.
            Another great thing about Edmodo is the amount of support available for teachers.  You are able to view videos of what other teachers have done with Edmodo, and watch webinars on how they did it.  This is a create tool to use are you are first starting out with the application.
  Another great feature is you are able to connect with other teachers through different communities.  As a teacher this is such a great way to be connected with other professionals and to talk to other teachers about what is working in their classroom.
There is also the option for parents to join in.  Although they are not able to create posts, they are able to view everything else.  This is a great way to stay connected with the parents and to show them exactly what their student is learning and how.  Since there is a place for assignments and grades it can also help parents to keep on top of how their student is progressing and what assignments are due.
Edmodo is a great resource for teachers.  It is a great way to use student’s technology knowledge to get them interested and invested in your class.  I will definitely use Edmodo in my classroom!
                          Click here to get Edmodo

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Powerpoint Video

This is a video that shows how to use powerpoint to create a video for your classroom.  
I created a video for my Pre-K classroom to teach them about animal.