Thursday, November 8, 2012

How Can We Use Apps in the Classroom?

1. There are alot of apps that have great visuals, such as an interactive version of the solar system.
2. There are great apps that have flash cards to help kids memorize different subjects.
3. Apps are great for helping with spelling and vocabulary.
4. Apps are a great way to use kids knowledge of technology to help them connect to a subject.
5. There are some great Apps that help teachers stay connected with parents and teachers.
6. Apps can be used to allow students to track their progress.
7. Apps are great for interactive texts that allow kids to watch videos within the text.
8. There are some great apps that allow kids to take quizzes and tests and receive instant feedback.
9. There are also some great apps that keep track of kids behavior.
10. It is a great way to include entertainment in learning!


What are the benefits, and the ways you can use Webquests in your classroom?
1. It is a great way to introduce a topic.
2. It is a good thing to have around incase you are gone and need an activity for the sub.
3. It can help teach students how to research topics correctly.
4. It shows students that there is more to the internet than just facebook!
5. It allows kids to go at their own speed, rather than along with the speed of the class.  It is easy to differentiate.
6. This is a good way to keep kids entertained while learning a topic.
7. This could also be used an open note assessment to see if kids learned what they needed to learn.
8. It is good for kids to be able to recognize a good source from a bad source.
9. This is a good way for younger students get comfortable with computers and the internet.
10. For older students it is a good way to use their knowledge of technology to help them learn.

How Can Videos Be Used in the Classroom?

Here are the top 10 ways videos can be used in the classroom
1. To introduce a topic in an interesting way.
2. To help visual learners to understand a topic.
3. As an option for a book report or other project rather than a paper.
4. Have kids create a video in a group to illustrate a topic.
5. Kids love youtube, have them find a video and share with the class how it relates to what you are learning.
6. Videos are a good way to illustrate experiments and things that cannot just be described.
7. Having kids edit videos is a great skill for kids to learn.
8. Relating movies kids know to your lesson is a great way to get them excited about it!
9. Have kids watch a movie as homework and list ways it relates to the lesson.
10. Musical videos, such as Bill Nye's Raps, are a fun and interesting way to teach lessons in a unique way.